Nahajski Law

Facts About Date Rape Drugs

DATE RAPE DRUGS are sometimes used to assist in committing a sexual assault on another. Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not give consensus to. Because of the effects of these drugs, victims may be physically helpless, unable to refuse sex, and unable to remember what happened. Drugs as these often have no color, odor or taste and are easily added to flavored drinks without the victim realizing it.

Common Date Rape Drugs and What They Look Like

GHB, one of the most common date rape drugs, comes in a liquid form with no odor or color, a white powder and a pill. Ketamine, another common date rape drugs, is a white powder. Rohypnol is a pill that dissolves in liquid.

The Effects of GHB



slow heart rate


loss of consciousness

inability to remember what happened while drugged


coma, death

The Effects of Ketamine


lost sense of time and identity

agitation, aggressive or violent behavior


loss of consciousness

loss of coordination

potentially fatal respiratory failure

The Effects of Rohypnol

lower blood pressure


muscle relaxation or loss of muscle control

visual disturbances

loss of consciousness

problems talking

inability to remember what happened while drugged


Tips for a Woman to Protect Herself from Date Rape Drugs

Whether you are at a bar, restaurant or in any public setting, keep yourself and your friends safe by doing these simple things:

Never, ever leave your drink unattended.

Do not accept open-container drinks from anyone but a bartender or server.

Be wary about accepting drinks from anyone you do not know well.

Attend parties or visit bars with a group of friends.

Arrive as a group. Leave as a group.

If you think that you have been a victim, notify the authorities immediately.

Serving the Puget Sound Area Since 1996

If you are ill or injured and/or suspect the use of a date rape drug, contact 911 immediately. Once you are safe, call a qualified attorney to review your case.

Every case has its own unique problems, consequences, and opportunities. No two cases are alike. We encourage you to call and speak personally to a lawyer about the details of your unique circumstances. Call us at 206-621-0500 or contact us for a free consultation with an experienced criminal law attorney today.

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